25+ Ideas to Cultivate Well-Being While You’re At Home or Social Distancing

Megan Flanagan
2 min readMay 4, 2020
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

In light of everything happening recently with the coronavirus outbreak, many of us are at home, looking for ways to stay well despite life’s challenges. While this is a stressful time for many of us, there is so much we can do to care for ourselves, look out for others, and cultivate a greater sense of well-being. In fact, it’s vital. This is not an all-encompassing list, but several ideas to spark inspiration on how you can make the most of this time.

25 Ideas for Cultivating Well-Being At-Home:

  1. Get an extra hour of sleep, if at all possible.
  2. Sip your coffee (or tea) more slowly.
  3. Stick to a semi-regular routine, to keep yourself productive and in-check.
  4. Foster online connections where you can — this can be a great time to reach out to your LinkedIn Network and join support groups or discussion boards!
  5. Take your workplace meetings online and make them more frequent.
  6. Try a new hobby or re-visit that one that you’ve been wanting to practice.
  7. Learn something new (so many online courses, webinars, and apps out there!)
  8. Take your workout classes and personal training sessions online (if you need equipment, here’s a complete list).
  9. Try out podcasting, videography, photography, webinars. Time to get tech-savvy!
  10. Check in on your mental and emotional health. Many counselors and licensed professionals offer online sessions.
  11. Re-connect with faraway friends, family members, and neighbors.
  12. Enjoy the great outdoors with a walk, run, hike, or bike ride.
  13. Master your cooking skills.
  14. Tackle that home project you’ve been putting off.
  15. Organize and de-clutter your space.
  16. Get crafty and find a creative outlet.
  17. Donate items to charity that you are no longer using.
  18. Order in or visit a local small business to help support them (particularly during COIV-19, but really applies to anytime).
  19. Consider adopting or fostering a pet, if at all possible.
  20. Read a book.
  21. Journal and reflect.
  22. Start a blog, website, or side hustle.
  23. Meditate, using an app like Headspace or Waking Up.
  24. Garden.
  25. Take time to unwind.

Anything you’re practicing or ideas that you’d like to add? Comment below and share!

Published By Megan Flanagan, MPH, CHES

Workplace Wellness Consultant | Personal Trainer | Public Health Professional


Originally published at https://www.linkedin.com.



Megan Flanagan

Wellness consultant, personal trainer, lifestyle coach, trail runner, truth seeker, cappuccino lover, & self-improvement enthusiast.